The Alabama Gymnastics Education Foundation (AGEF) is a parent organization which supports the Mountain Brook Gymnastics (MBG) team members


The purpose of AGEF is to support the training of the Mountain Brook Gymnastics (MBG) team through fundraising activities.  The goal of AGEF is to offer financial support, making competitive events, organized under USA Gymnastics guidelines, more affordable for MBG team members.  In addition, AGEF strives to achieve 100% participation in club activities, creating a spirit of support and unity among the families of Mountain Brook gymnasts.  


The AGEF is a 501C4 not-for-profit organization whose activities are overseen by a Board of Directors. A  copy of the AGEF Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and IRS statement are available upon request.  Job descriptions of the Board of Directors and team parent positions are also available.  


Club membership is comprised of parents of competitive gymnasts training at the Mountain Brook Gymnastics Center in USA Gymnastics competitive Levels 3 through 10, Xcel Silver through Sapphire, and Elite.


AGEF covers most competition costs.  

Covered under AGEF Budget/Fundraising for all Team Gymnasts:

Individual Meet Entry Fees: $ 75-150 PER meet PER Gymnast!

Coach Time/Travel Costs varies
(Coach costs vary according to length

and travel distance of each meet)